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All posts tagged "new"

  • Top 10 Weirdest Car Names in History

    Thinking up a name for a car can be a long and meticulous process, with auto executives poring over every single word that would best convey what the new model has to offer. Sometimes the company comes...

    • Posted June 30, 2015
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  • Six Things You Need to Know About Yutivo Camaros

    The first generation Chevrolet Camaro was built in huge numbers in Chevy’s Norwood and Van Nuys plants. While these two plants account for 219,706 of 220,906 Camaro units classified as 1967 to 1969 models, the remaining number ended up...

    • Posted June 28, 2015
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  • 6 Ways To Stay Calm During Road Rage!

    Having road rage problems? Our team has discovered ways that will help you relax and stay calm while driving.

    • Posted June 28, 2015
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  • 10 Vehicles That Rocked the Flames on Their Paint Jobs

    One of the things that you can do to make your vehicle look like a badass is to add flames to it. And we don't mean to set your vehicle on fire because that would be just...

    • Posted June 26, 2015
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  • Brick Beetle
    Interesting “Cars” Made Of Unusual Materials

    These cars are all made from unusual materials and are pretty cool.

    • Posted June 9, 2015
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