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Rate My Ride Wednesdays Roundup: Ford Trucks Face Off

By on December 16, 2014

APW Rate My RIde

In last week’s edition of Rate My Ride Wednesdays, we featured four of your rides on our Facebook page, up for rating by our fans. When two Ford Trucks face off, who’s going to be the top ride? Let’s find out. We’ve gathered the scores and Cody’s Ford F-150 is our ride of the week, getting an average score of 8.5. Coming in second is Clint’s jet black car with a scrore of 6.5. In third is Dave’s Ford Truck with a score of 5.7. And completing our roundup is Paulo’s Honda Civic with a score of 2.6.

If you think your car can be our champ, send us a photo by uploading it to our Facebook page ( or posting one on your Twitter or Instagram, just don’t forget to tag them with #apwratemyride!

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