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10 Hilarious Ways People Serve Parking Justice

By on September 22, 2015

Parking, these days, can be hard to come by especially in crowded places. But that isn’t excuse enough for anyone to take up a handicap slot or park illegally. There are some drivers, too, who could use parking 101 because no matter how wide or narrow the parking spaces are, they just can’t seem to get it right. Whether these parking fails and violations are done on purpose or not, they’d better not do it again as there are now some people who won’t just shrug it off. Whether they are law enforcers, a group of pranksters, or merely concerned citizens, one thing’s for sure: they won’t let you go unnoticed. Check out these images that show how some people serve justice to some parking violators:

1. They say it through post-its…

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This is done by a group of pranksters to raise people’s awareness on handicap parking abuse. Wondering what the owner did when he found out? Watch this video:


2. …or through a touching note posted on your windshield.


Source: CollegeHumor


3. And in any case, they will always find a way…
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…even if that means, breaking your car windows.


4. They will tape your car off…
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5. Or give it a nice bath.
cc1-dowload-free-desktop-wallpaper-car-accident-naotakem-auto-insurance-quote-588x441Source: CoolStuffforAbigail


6. They may also lock it inside an interlocked chain of shopping carts.bd0yhfscyaaprhgSource: rocketnews24


7. Sometimes, these people are still kind enough to surprise you with a parking award.

iwquiSource: Imgur


8. And make it a point that everyone knows how good you are at parking.
01-Sarcastic-Parking-NoteSource: Boredomfiles


9. They may even celebrate your parking achievement, but leave your ride with all the after-party mess.
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10. And finally, they will still give you your much-deserved spot… but not without a word.
8PneRMWSource: Imgur

So what do you think? Do they deserve such or you think some of the punishments are just a little too much?

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