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No Money for A New Paint Job? Keep Calm and Grab Your Sharpie.

By on March 5, 2015

Admit it, owning a car is not cheap at all. Regular maintenance alone like oil change and brakes replacement can cost you a lot of bucks. Don’t even get us started on the price of gas! Now, add those things to the fact that you don’t have an endless pool of money, you’ll immediately realize that some things are going to have to take a backseat. Getting a new paint job, for instance. If this is the exact dilemma you are dealing with at this moment, worry no more. Just keep calm and grab your sharpie!


See this sign? This is how awesomeness starts. See, there’s this guy who invited his neighbors to help design his van using sharpies. So this is what happened next:

Pretty cool, eh?


Here’s another guy who used his talent (and his sharpies) to “repaint” his vehicles:


You thought only boys know how to do it? The owner of the Nissan Skyline GTR below begs to disagree.


Source: Bored Panda

He let his wife doodle on his car with a sharpie pen.


Source: Bored Panda


Source: Bored Panda

And that’s how you win in life. By marrying the right girl.




Source: Pinterest

The sharpie design really made this Camaro ultra sexy.

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