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Insane US State Driving Laws That Will Leave you Baffled
Ever been stopped on the road by a police officer and thought you absolutely didn’t deserve that ticket? Well, watch out when you’re driving in places listed below because you might get flagged down for the most unexpected reasons:
- ALABAMA – It is legal to drive the wrong way down a one-way street as long as a lantern is attached to the front of your car. Lanterns have special powers in Alabama. Noted!
Also, it is illegal to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle. Hmmm… We wonder why.
- MISSOURI– Illegal to drive with an uncaged bear. Solution? You can either let the bear handle the stirring wheel or cage it. Up to you!
- NEVADA – It is illegal to drive a camel on the highway. Solution? Stay away from the highway!
- HAWAII – As of 2013, car passengers who don’t wear seatbelts are subject to $100 fines. If all the seats are full, though, don’t worry: it’s totally legal for anyone over 12 years old to hang out in the bed of the truck. In the open. With zero protection. ZERO!
- ALASKA – Do not strap a dog to the roof of your car. It is illegal. Sorry fur friends. Get inside the car!
- MASSACHUSETTS – Illegal to drive with a gorilla in the back seat. That doesn’t seem fair. How about the front seat?
- CALIFORNIA – Never jump out of a car going 65 mph in Glendale, California, but an unoccupied vehicle may exceed 60 mph. Wait! Did you just say unoccupied? That’s magic!
- ARKANSAS – Illegal to honk at any place where cold drinks or sandwiches are served after 9pm. Let’s respect people who are having their late dinner. Please, do not honk!
- CONNECTICUT – Slow down with those pedals or you’ll get a ticket when you go over 65 mph. Speeding on a bicycle isn’t tolerated.
- COLORADO – No black cars on Sundays.
- PENNSYLVANIA– Traveling across country roads at night you are required to stop every mile and detonate a rocket signal in order to warn livestock of your arrival. Yes, humans. Pay some respect to the livestock. They need to know your arrival.
- ARIZONA – Illegal to drive your car in reverse on a public road. How am I suppose to drive now?
Sarcasm aside, if anybody knows the reason behind these laws, we encourage you to post it under the comment section. We really want to understand how did these laws came about. Really.