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These Car Stickers are So Crazy You’ll Want them On Your Ride

By on August 12, 2015

Source: Quick meme


Car stickers tend to say a lot about the driver and their overall lifestyle. Some stickers describe the driver perfectly, while others are just plain crazy and hilarious. We’ve put together the ultimate list of car stickers that’ll surely make you laugh, so read on!

8.   From a guy who’s not a big fan of the Dave Matthews Band:

Source: Buzzfeed

Hate when people ask about what happened to your car or why that sticker? Well, this one here is a good idea. Why not let the sticker explain it all?


7.  This may prove useful:

Source: Buzzfeed

We’re kidding. Of course, nobody would take the message seriously–but there’s a lot of honesty in this sticker. We’re sure you’ve found yourself in this nasty situation before…


6.  When you’ve had enough of family car stickers:

Source: Buzzfeed

At least once a day, you will see a car with a family sticker and yes we do get the point, but sometimes it can get a little bit annoying, right?

If you’re tired of the same old family sticker, you could use the sticker above to get your message across. Also, why not try something different just like the sticker below:

Source: Pinterest

Cause adults have a life, too!


5.  That’s a good question!

Source: Buzzfeed

That’s certainly one mystery to consider. One thing’s for sure–it won’t be a pretty sight!



4.  Would you want to find out?

Source: Pinterest

No matter what happens–just stay away from this person’s truck.


3.  This one’s a classic! 

Source: Pinterest

Strauss relief! GENIUS.

2. Sometimes you have to state the obvious. 

Here is another cool idea for your ride! This sticker’s perfect for Jeeps and other off-road vehicles who are in great risk of overturning while on a steep climb.

1. Yes, tell us how you really feel!

Source: Galleryhip

And if one sticker is not enough, then why not go absolutely crazy with a gazillion? If there’s no local law that prohibits putting multiple stickers on your vehicle, we suggest you go and have some fun like the owner of the ride above. Of course, looking absolutely creepy is a risk.

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