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5 Zombie Apocalypse-Ready Vehicles That You Should Totally Get

By on January 18, 2016

One of our biggest fears (probably) is when we look outside our window and we see that our beloved city is being run over by zombies. Indeed, those dead, biting creatures roaming around our neighborhood won’t be a pretty sight. Yes, some will say that zombies are just products of imaginative minds from Hollywood and that it’s very unlikely that we’ll see one in real life. However, we all know that stranger things have happened in this world of ours. Who knows? Maybe a Zombie Apocalypse is just waiting around the corner. But before that happens, we’ll give you a short list of vehicles that you should totally get.



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Need a getaway ride that is fast and sturdy? Here you go!



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We like this one. It has big wheels and a tall ride height. Perfect when fighting zombies.



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Now if you want something that you can use daily without being out of place even if the zombie apocalypse hasn’t come yet, then this is your best bet.



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But if you want pure destruction and annihilation, we don’t think there’s a better choice than this one. Just look at this thing!



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Want to fight zombies in style? We got you! Not sure if you’ll survive, though.

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